Reviewing the trends following the year 2007 one can easily notice that the team has constantly sought new paths of research, added to its already existing directions, in both fundamental and applicative research.
The department research activities are oriented towards:
- study of specific interaction between optical radiation and matter
- modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems and analyzing the resulting solutions with highlighting chaotic behavior
- building and development of laser and fibre optics devices for applications in industry, medicine, civil engineering, environment, defense and space
- development of new structures for optoelectronic components based on chalcogenide glasses
- development of methods designed to test and control the quality of life
- development of analytical instruments and methods designed to test and control some environmental factors
- elaboration of methods based on optoelectronic techniques for medicine and civil engineering
Large part of the research activity conducted within our team has been dedicated to developing partnerships with different national research institutes and universities and also with SMEs, which indicates the team’s good communication, scientific and managerial skills.
Department infrastructure :
HORIBA Ellipsometer Interferometer VI Interferometer VI- RF Magnetron Deposition Equipment Photonics Setups THz Equipment THz -setup THz Laser
Beam characterization system DALSA-camera Femto-second Laser GPS system GPS NOVATEL Focal Length Surface Flatness IR viewer Thin films analyzer Ecoprobe Ellipsometer Nd:YAG LAser Unicode Optical Tomography system Tektronix Oscilloscope Multiparameter bench-meter Energy/Powermeter Portable fiber optic Spectrometer Goniometer Spectrofluorimeter UV-VIS-NIR SPectrometer HeCd Laser
AF4 flow field flow fractionation system Droplet Digital PCR Enhanced dark field hyperspectral microscope Flow cytometer High performance liquid chromatographer Spectrofluorimeter Aqualog Spectrophotometer NanoDrop Zeta sizer