- Patent no. 130250-B1/2018, BOPI 12/2018, with title: Process for producing a MnGexSby polycrystalline material doped with Co or Fe, M.I. Rusu, C.E.A. Grigorescu
- Patent no. 127915/2018, BOPI 4/2018, with title: Non-invasive method and device with optoelectronic sensor type DFB-FL for determining the type of air flow on the leading edge of an airplane wing, S. Miclos, I.I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent no. 128119/2017, with title: Method and laser device with passive optical switching operation, S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, A. Popescu
- Patent no. 128068/2017, with title: Non-invasive method and device for detecting mines buried in the groudd, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent no. 128050/2013 with title: “Method and device for guidance of inertial or reactive projectiles to the targets using high-brilliance laser emitters operating under passive optical switching conditions”, authors: S. Miclos, I.I.F. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent no. 127479/2013 with title: “Device for electro-optical attenuation of laser radiation for an ophtalmic surgery microscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu V. Savu, A. Popescu, L. Baschir, M. Tautan
- Patent no. 128160/2013 with title: “Non-invasive method and device for determining saturation fluency and efficient absorption cross section of a passive optical switch”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos A. Popescu, I.I.F. Lancranjan
- Patent no. 127565/2013 with title: “Non-invasive method and device for measuring thermal diffusion coefficient”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu, A. Popescu, L.A. Baschir, M. Tautan
- Patent no. 123461/2012 with title: “Methane-sensitive material and threshold sensor for methane detection”, authors: F. Sava, A. Tomescu, C. Simion, A.M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, N.I. Mih?ilescu, G. Socol, E. Axente, S. Miclos , D. Savastru
- Patent no. 126294/2012 with title : “Mobile system and process for mapping objects located at a large distance from roads”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, D. Tenciu
- Patent no. 126153/2012 with title: “Method and equipment for dynamically testing vertical alignments of highways”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, M.N. Tautan, L.D. Vilceanu
- Patent no. 126504/2011 with title : “Laser module adaptable to ophthalmic microscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclo?, S.L. Stanescu, V.M. Udrea, V. Sava, M. Iacob, B. Chiricuta, A. Popescu
- Patent no. 123214/2011 with title : “Optoelectronic device for the attenuation of laser energy in an ophthalmologic laser biomicroscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu
- Patent no. 123233/2011 with title: “Optical device for fixing the object plane”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu
- Patent no. 125586/2011 with title: ” Device for generating an ultrasound field in the liquids in vessels with narrow apertures”, authors: I. Chilibon, D. Savastru, V. Savu.
- Patent no. 125874/2011 with title : “Laser microscope for cleaning 2d art objects”, authors : D. Savastru, R. Savastru, R. Radvan, C. Deciu
- Patent no. 122929/2010 with title: “Mobile equipment for automatic video sampling of road surface”, authors: R. Savastru, D. Savastru, A. Stoica, M. Tautan; D. Petcu.
- Patent no. 122979/2010 with title: “Process and device for producing calcogenic micro-lenses”, authors: M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Mustata, R. Savastru.
- Patent no. 122665/2009 with title: “Photoselective layered polymetric foil for covering solariums and tunnel”, authors: C.G.Opran, E.Grosu, E.Ristici, M.Iliescu, E.Nemes, I.S.Dontu ,P.P.Spanu, C.R.Teodor
- Patent no. 122110/2008 with title: “Scanning equipment for sampling road cross profiles”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu.
- Patent no. 122109/2008 with title: “Method and equipment for testing road longitudinal profiles in dynamic regime”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu.
- Patent request no A/00234/ 29.04.2020: Dispozitiv cu senzor optoelectronic cu fibra optica pasiva cu perioada mare de modulare a indicelui de refractie al miezului pentru determinarea nivelului fluidului dintr-o incinta inchisa, Miclos S., Lancranjan I., Savastru D., Savastru R., Tautan M., Baschir L.
- Patent request no A/00728/12.11/2019., Dispozitiv de ghidare pentru operatii de intalnire in spatiu, L.Baschir, Miclos Sorin, Savastru Dan
- Patent request no. A/00404/07.06.2018, Metoda de optimizare a detectorului Cherenkov de radiatii electromagnetice in mediu salin, V. Savu, M.I. Rusu, R. Savastru, D. Savastru
- Patent request no. A/00414, Procedeu de preparare a unor structuri spin-plasmonice multistrat tip Au/Fe3O4 pentru substrate destinate analizei prin spectroscopie Raman amplificata de suprafata-SERS, Grigorescu Cristiana Eugenia Ana, Rusu Madalin Ion
- Patent request no. A/00729, Sursa în comutație cu reglarea și controlul total al ieșirilor, Savu Valeriu, Rusu Mădălin Ion, Savastru Dan
- Patent request no. A/00273/19.04.2018, Metodã de evaluare a marginilor tumorilor mamare ex vivo direct in timp real, I.A. Birtoiu, A.B. Vitalaru, M. Militaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.D. Togoe, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, B. Chiricuta
- Patent request no. A 00689/18.09.2018, Dispozitiv optoelectronic interferometric în fibră optică pasivă de tip TWIN-LPG pentru detecția bacteriilor Escherichia coli și Klebsiella pneumoniae în apa din rețeaua curentă, S. Miclos, I.I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, R.M. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00278/19.04.2018, Procedeu de preparare a suprafețelor cu nanostructuri din Au și Ag și instrument chirurgical astfel obținut pentru evaluarea intraoperatorie a statusului marginilor tumorilor, C-E-A Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, S. Manea, I.A. Birtoiu, M. Militaru, R. Munteanu, B.A. Vitalaru, B. Chiricuta
- Patent request no. A/00279/19.04.2018, Aparat portabil cu laser pentru detectarea in timp real a unor markeri moleculari, M.V. Udrea, B. Chiricuta, C-E-A Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.A. Birtoiu, B.A. Vitalaru
- Patent request no. A/10017/2017, ”Kretschmann Plasmonic chemical sensor”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, A. Popescu
- Patent request no. A/101000/2017, ”Photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate, carbon nanotubes and phthalocyanines”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, M. Tautan, S. Dontu
- Patent request no. A/101001/2017, ”Realization method for a photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate, carbon nanotubes and phthalocyanines”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru
- Patent request no. A/101064/2017, ”Photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate and magnesium phthalocyanine”, authors: C.H. Gandescu, L. Baschir, D. Savastru
- Patent request no. A/00689/2017, ”Method for the assessment of the ex vivo mammary tumor margins directly in real time”, authors: I.A. Birtoiu, B.A. Vitalaru, M. Militaru, R.M. Munteanu, D.I. Togoe, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, B. Chiricuta
- Patent request no. A/00715/2017, ”Portable laser device for real-time detection of molecular markers”, authors: M.V. Udrea, B. Chiricuta, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.A. Birtoiu, B.A. Vitalaru
- Patent request no. A/00756/2017, ”Process for the preparation of surfaces of Au and Ag nanostructures on a surgical instrument for the intraoperative evaluation of tumor edge status and rapid diagnosis of the benign or malignant type of the direct ex vivo tumor with Raman surface amplified spectroscopy – SERS”, authors: C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu
- Patent request no. A/00952/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type TWIN-LPG for determination of mechanical structure acceleration.”,authors:S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, M. Calin, D.Manea
- Patent request no. A/00954/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type SILPG for humidity determination.”,authorsS. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
- Patent request no. A/00953/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type TWIN-LPG for determination of in-flight aircraft wings bending characteristics”,authors: S.Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
- Patent request no. A/00951/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type SILPG for mechanical structures health determination and realization process.”,authors: S.Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
- Patent request no. A/00968/04.12.2015, “Non-contact device for roughness determination using an fiber optics interferometer”,authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, V. Savu
- Patent request no. A/00962/03.12.2015, “Optical memory cell and realization process.”, authors: A.Popescu, N. Pușcaș, D. Savastru, L. Bașchir, C. Neguțu, M.Stafe, V. Savu, D. Tenciu, V. Georgiana, M. Mihăilescu
- Patent request no. A/00170/28.02.2014, “Process and device for detecting ice on roads”, authors: D.Savastru, S. Miclos, A. Popescu, R. Savastru
- Patent request no. A/00505/30.06.2014, “Equipment and method for in-situ monitoring the quality of natural aquatic environments”, authors:L. Ghervase, D. Savastru
- Patent request no. A /00571/28.07.2014, “Non-invasive method and device for localizing the sound wave emitting sources in solid structures by using optoelectronic sensors of the active optical fibre type having a spatial modulation of core refractive index”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00957/05.12.2014,“Method and device for optical modulation of light”, authors: N. Puscas, A. Popescu, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, M. Stafe, C. Negutu, L. Baschir, V. Savu, M. Tautan, G.Vasile, M. Mihailescu
- Patent request no. A/00974/11.12.2014,”Non-invasive method and device for optoelectronic sensors directionality calibration of type active fiber optics with spatial modulation of core refractive index”,authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00975/11.12.2014, “Carrying-out method and device for passive optical switching of laser oscillators with active medium doped with er3+ ions using spinel nanocrystals doped with Co2+ ions”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00834/13.11.2013, “Accelerometer system of automatic activation of control equipment mounted on vehicles at preset intervals of run distance”, authors: M. Tautan, S. Miclos, A.Stoica, D. Savastru, R. Savastru
- Patent request no. A/00964 /04.12.2013, “Method and device for pulsed-laser mass spectrometry”, authors: A. Popescu, A. Surmeian, C. Displasu, D. Savastru, A. Groza, M. Tautan, D. Tenciu, S. Miclos, M. Ganciu
- Patent request no. A/00907 /27.11.2013, “A process for the preparation of polycrystalline MnGexSby (x =0.5-1.0, y = 1.5-2.2) doped with Co or Fe”, authors: M.I. Rusu, C.E.A. Grigorescu
- Patent request no. A/00321 / 07.04.2011, “Non-invasive method and device using DFB-FL type optical sensor for determining the air flow on aircraft wing attack board”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D.Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00380 /21.04.2011, “Method and device using optical fiber optoelectronic sensor using micro bending effect for determining the load of vehicles in motion”, authors: S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00494/23.05.2011,”Method and device for noninvasive detection of mines buried in the ground using a solid laser transmitter for excitation of acoustic waves in the soil and an acoustic optoelectronic sensor of optical fiber laser with distributive reaction type”,authors:S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
- Patent request no. A/00564/16.06.2011, “Method and laser device functioning in passive optical switching system with high-energy pulsed emission and ultrashort pulse width of nanoseconds at half amplitude”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, A. Popescu