
  1. Patent no. 130250-B1/2018, BOPI 12/2018, with title: Process for producing a MnGexSby polycrystalline material doped with Co or Fe, M.I. Rusu, C.E.A. Grigorescu
  2. Patent no. 127915/2018, BOPI 4/2018, with title: Non-invasive method and device with optoelectronic sensor type DFB-FL for determining the type of air flow on the leading edge of an airplane wing, S. Miclos, I.I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  3. Patent no. 128119/2017, with title: Method and laser device with passive optical switching operation, S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, A. Popescu
  4. Patent no. 128068/2017, with title: Non-invasive method and device for detecting mines buried in the groudd, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  5. Patent no. 128050/2013 with title: “Method and device for guidance of inertial or reactive projectiles to the targets using high-brilliance laser emitters operating under passive optical switching conditions”, authors: S. Miclos, I.I.F. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  6. Patent no. 127479/2013 with title: “Device for electro-optical attenuation of laser radiation for an ophtalmic surgery microscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu V. Savu, A. Popescu, L. Baschir, M. Tautan
  7. Patent no. 128160/2013 with title: “Non-invasive method and device for determining saturation fluency and efficient absorption cross section of a passive optical switch”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos A. Popescu, I.I.F. Lancranjan
  8. Patent no. 127565/2013 with title: “Non-invasive method and device for measuring thermal diffusion coefficient”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu, A. Popescu, L.A. Baschir, M. Tautan
  9. Patent no. 123461/2012 with title: “Methane-sensitive material and threshold sensor for methane detection”, authors: F. Sava, A. Tomescu, C. Simion, A.M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, N.I. Mih?ilescu, G. Socol, E. Axente, S. Miclos , D. Savastru
  10. Patent no. 126294/2012 with title : “Mobile system and process for mapping objects located at a large distance from roads”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, D. Tenciu
  11. Patent no. 126153/2012 with title: “Method and equipment for dynamically testing vertical alignments of highways”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, M.N. Tautan, L.D. Vilceanu
  12. Patent no. 126504/2011 with title : “Laser module adaptable to ophthalmic microscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclo?, S.L. Stanescu, V.M. Udrea, V. Sava, M. Iacob, B. Chiricuta, A. Popescu
  13. Patent no. 123214/2011 with title : “Optoelectronic device for the attenuation of laser energy in an ophthalmologic laser biomicroscope”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu
  14. Patent no. 123233/2011 with title: “Optical device for fixing the object plane”, authors: D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu
  15. Patent no. 125586/2011 with title: ” Device for generating an ultrasound field in the liquids in vessels with narrow apertures”, authors: I. Chilibon, D. Savastru, V. Savu.
  16. Patent no. 125874/2011 with title : “Laser microscope for cleaning 2d art objects”, authors : D. Savastru, R. Savastru, R. Radvan, C. Deciu
  17. Patent no. 122929/2010 with title: “Mobile equipment for automatic video sampling of road surface”, authors: R. Savastru, D. Savastru, A. Stoica, M. Tautan; D. Petcu.
  18. Patent no. 122979/2010 with title: “Process and device for producing calcogenic micro-lenses”, authors: M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Mustata, R. Savastru.
  19. Patent no. 122665/2009 with title: “Photoselective layered polymetric foil for covering solariums and tunnel”, authors: C.G.Opran, E.Grosu, E.Ristici, M.Iliescu, E.Nemes, I.S.Dontu ,P.P.Spanu, C.R.Teodor
  20. Patent no. 122110/2008 with title: “Scanning equipment for sampling road cross profiles”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu.
  21. Patent no. 122109/2008 with title: “Method and equipment for testing road longitudinal profiles in dynamic regime”, authors: A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu.


  1. Patent request no A/00234/ 29.04.2020: Dispozitiv cu senzor optoelectronic cu fibra optica pasiva cu perioada mare de modulare a indicelui de refractie al miezului pentru determinarea nivelului fluidului dintr-o incinta inchisa, Miclos S., Lancranjan I., Savastru D., Savastru R., Tautan M., Baschir L.
  2. Patent request no A/00728/12.11/2019., Dispozitiv de ghidare pentru operatii de intalnire in spatiu, L.Baschir, Miclos Sorin, Savastru Dan
  3. Patent request no. A/00404/07.06.2018, Metoda de optimizare a detectorului Cherenkov de radiatii electromagnetice in mediu salin, V. Savu, M.I. Rusu, R. Savastru, D. Savastru
  4. Patent request no. A/00414, Procedeu de preparare a unor structuri spin-plasmonice multistrat tip Au/Fe3O4 pentru substrate destinate analizei prin spectroscopie Raman amplificata de suprafata-SERS, Grigorescu Cristiana Eugenia Ana, Rusu Madalin Ion
  5. Patent request no. A/00729, Sursa în comutație cu reglarea și controlul total al ieșirilor, Savu Valeriu, Rusu Mădălin Ion,  Savastru Dan
  6. Patent request no. A/00273/19.04.2018, Metodã de evaluare a marginilor tumorilor mamare ex vivo direct in timp real, I.A. Birtoiu, A.B. Vitalaru, M. Militaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.D. Togoe, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, B. Chiricuta
  7. Patent request no. A 00689/18.09.2018, Dispozitiv optoelectronic interferometric în fibră optică pasivă de tip TWIN-LPG pentru detecția bacteriilor Escherichia coli și Klebsiella pneumoniae în apa din rețeaua curentă, S. Miclos, I.I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, R.M. Savastru, M. Tautan
  8. Patent request no. A/00278/19.04.2018, Procedeu de preparare a suprafețelor cu nanostructuri din Au și Ag și instrument chirurgical astfel obținut pentru evaluarea intraoperatorie a statusului marginilor tumorilor, C-E-A Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, S. Manea, I.A. Birtoiu, M. Militaru, R. Munteanu, B.A. Vitalaru, B. Chiricuta
  9. Patent request no. A/00279/19.04.2018, Aparat portabil cu laser pentru detectarea in timp real a unor markeri moleculari, M.V. Udrea, B. Chiricuta, C-E-A Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.A. Birtoiu, B.A.  Vitalaru
  10. Patent request no. A/10017/2017, ”Kretschmann Plasmonic chemical sensor”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, A. Popescu 
  11. Patent request no. A/101000/2017, ”Photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate, carbon nanotubes and phthalocyanines”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, M. Tautan, S. Dontu
  12. Patent request no. A/101001/2017, ”Realization method for a photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate, carbon nanotubes and phthalocyanines”, authors: L. Baschir, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru                                                                           
  13. Patent request no. A/101064/2017, ”Photovoltaic cell based on barium stearate and magnesium phthalocyanine”, authors: C.H. Gandescu, L. Baschir, D. Savastru
  14. Patent request no. A/00689/2017, ”Method for the assessment of the ex vivo mammary tumor margins directly in real time”, authors: I.A. Birtoiu, B.A. Vitalaru, M. Militaru, R.M. Munteanu, D.I. Togoe, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O. Scoicaru, B. Chiricuta                                                                                               
  15. Patent request no. A/00715/2017, ”Portable laser device for real-time detection of molecular markers”, authors: M.V. Udrea, B. Chiricuta, C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu, L.O.  Scoicaru, R.M. Munteanu, I.A. Birtoiu, B.A. Vitalaru
  16. Patent request no. A/00756/2017, ”Process for the preparation of surfaces of Au and Ag nanostructures on a surgical instrument for the intraoperative evaluation of tumor edge status and rapid diagnosis of the benign or malignant type of the direct ex vivo tumor with Raman surface amplified spectroscopy – SERS”, authors: C.E.A. Grigorescu, M.I. Rusu 
  17. Patent request no. A/00952/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type TWIN-LPG for determination of mechanical structure acceleration.”,authors:S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan, M. Calin, D.Manea
  18. Patent request no.  A/00954/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type SILPG for humidity determination.”,authorsS. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
  19. Patent request no. A/00953/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type TWIN-LPG for determination of in-flight aircraft wings bending characteristics”,authors:  S.Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
  20. Patent request no.  A/00951/02.12.2015, “Interferometric optoelectronic sensor with passive fiber optics of type SILPG for mechanical structures health determination and realization process.”,authors: S.Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan, M. Calin, D. Manea
  21. Patent request no. A/00968/04.12.2015, “Non-contact device for roughness  determination using an fiber optics interferometer”,authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan, V. Savu
  22. Patent request no. A/00962/03.12.2015, “Optical memory cell and realization process.”, authors:    A.Popescu, N. Pușcaș, D. Savastru,  L. Bașchir, C. Neguțu, M.Stafe, V. Savu, D. Tenciu, V. Georgiana, M. Mihăilescu
  23. Patent request no. A/00170/28.02.2014, “Process and device for detecting ice on roads”, authors: D.Savastru, S. Miclos, A. Popescu, R. Savastru 
  24. Patent request no. A/00505/30.06.2014, “Equipment and method for in-situ monitoring the quality of natural aquatic environments”, authors:L. Ghervase, D. Savastru
  25. Patent request no.  A /00571/28.07.2014, “Non-invasive method and device for localizing the sound wave emitting sources in solid structures by using optoelectronic sensors of the active optical fibre type having a spatial modulation of core refractive index”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  26. Patent request no. A/00957/05.12.2014,“Method and device for optical modulation of light”, authors: N. Puscas, A. Popescu, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, M. Stafe, C. Negutu, L. Baschir, V. Savu, M. Tautan, G.Vasile, M. Mihailescu 
  27. Patent request no. A/00974/11.12.2014,”Non-invasive method and device for optoelectronic sensors directionality calibration of type active fiber optics with spatial modulation of core refractive index”,authors:  S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  28. Patent request no.  A/00975/11.12.2014, “Carrying-out method and device for passive optical switching of laser oscillators with active medium doped with er3+ ions using spinel nanocrystals doped with Co2+ ions”, authors:  S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru,  M. Tautan
  29. Patent request no. A/00834/13.11.2013, “Accelerometer system of automatic activation of control equipment mounted on vehicles at preset intervals of run distance”, authors: M. Tautan, S. Miclos, A.Stoica, D. Savastru, R. Savastru
  30. Patent request no. A/00964 /04.12.2013, “Method and device for pulsed-laser mass spectrometry”, authors: A. Popescu, A. Surmeian, C. Displasu, D. Savastru, A. Groza, M. Tautan, D. Tenciu, S. Miclos, M. Ganciu  
  31. Patent request no. A/00907 /27.11.2013, “A process for the preparation of polycrystalline MnGexSby (x =0.5-1.0, y = 1.5-2.2) doped with Co or Fe”, authors: M.I. Rusu, C.E.A. Grigorescu
  32. Patent request no. A/00321 / 07.04.2011, “Non-invasive method and device using DFB-FL type optical sensor for determining the air flow on aircraft wing attack board”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D.Savastru,  M. Tautan
  33. Patent request no. A/00380 /21.04.2011, Method and device using optical fiber optoelectronic sensor using micro bending effect for determining the load of vehicles in motion”, authors: S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan  
  34. Patent request no. A/00494/23.05.2011,”Method and device for noninvasive detection of mines buried in the ground using a solid laser transmitter for excitation of acoustic waves in the soil and an acoustic optoelectronic sensor of optical fiber laser with distributive reaction type”,authors:S. Miclos, I.Lancranjan, D. Savastru, M. Tautan
  35. Patent request no. A/00564/16.06.2011, “Method and laser device functioning in passive optical switching system with high-energy pulsed emission and ultrashort pulse width of nanoseconds at half amplitude”, authors: S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, A. Popescu